Over the past ten years, the Making Cities Resilient Campaign has advocated the need for local government authorities to reduce risk and develop urban resilience. 4,348 cities have demonstrated their commitment by joining this global campaign.
Starting on 1st January 2021, MCR2030 will continue this global effort to support resilience at local level, building on the success and lessons learned of the previous decade of work under the Campaign. This global partnership of actors with expertise in urban resilience, DRR, climate change and the SDGs will provide a resilience roadmap for cities with defined commitments over time on how to improve local resilience.
At a regional level, MCR2030 will engage and accompany as many cities and regions as possible in their resilience journeys across the 55 Member Countries of the region.
We look forward to your participation in the global launch, and our continued efforts in support of Sendai Framework implementation across the region.
You can register for the launch event here: https://www.undrr.org/event/
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