The accepted Agenda of the 3rd OEWG Meeting was as follows:
- Opening of the meeting.
- Adoption of the agenda.
- Update on the Expression of interest (EOI) from Member States, UNESCO water family, and partners and summary of the preparatory process.
- Presentation of the pre-final draft of the OIP and discussions.
- IHP – IX financial plan towards a structured financing dialogue.
- Other matters.
- Closure of the meeting.
The work was very effective and was done on 10 March 2022 only.
The update on the preparation process of the Operational Implementation Plan for IXP-IX prior to this meeting is available here as a pdf.
UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme, IHP Phase IX, 2022-2029, Key Activities and Output-level Performance Indicators, Operational Implementation Plan (IHP-IX OIP), the document dated 18 February 2022, is available here as a Word document.
There are now 5 Priority areas in the Operational Implementation Plan:
- Scientific Research and Innovation.
- Water Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution including Sustainability.
- Bridging the data and knowledge gaps.
- Integrated and Inclusive Water Resources Management under conditions of global change.
- Water Governance based on science for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience.
with 6 Performance indicators (PI) for the Outcome and 8 harmonized performance indIcators for the Outputs. There are several proposed activities within each of the Priority Areas, and adequate performance indicators are listed. During the 3rd Meeting, IHP Slovenia recommended further actions to the proposed activities:
- @1.6 – Activity #1: Research and knowledge generation on the scientific advances in addressing and timely forecasting of water-related disasters, such as (flash) floods, (flash) droughts and rainfall-induced landslides; and on additional impact of synchronous and/or cascading water-related hazards, in partnership with EGU, AGU, IAHS, ISEH, the ICL – International Consortium on Landslides and the IPL – International Programme on Landslides, including good practices and lessons learned.
- @2.5, Activity #1: Full development and promotion of the new water education indicator and web-based observatory for SDG 6.
During the meeting, eight Thematic Working Groups were proposed to work on the IHP-IX Programme. Each Group will have a Group Leader from IHP Secretariat (Facilitation & Coordination), two Co-Chairs & a Rapporteur (from the Member States). There groups for example:
- “Water education including support to the Global acceleration framework” (#2.5 – web observatory & #2.3 – glossary)
- “Hydrological processes, scarcity and extremes, erosion and sedimentation, and cryosphere” (#1.6 – ICL & IPL)
The proposed thematic groups and their tasks/roles will be discussed and approved during the 25th Session of the Intergovernmental Council of IHP in April 2022, when also the final version of the Implementation Plan of the IHP-IX program will be approved.
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